Friday, August 10, 2007

Evil Wiki

I have been unconsciously drooling at my computer lately. It was not like this until
Wikipedia started coming up as a top hit in my Google search for everything.

I now know that there is Catholic records pointing to a spiritual phenomena titled “ Dark night of the soul.” I have also become familiar with the writings on the theory of an aquatic ape within our human evolution theory. Why? Because I follow the links .

My thought processes used to be my Google and Wiki. Before this instant availability of all information, I would catch a thought, contemplate it, then take it to my imagination to view it from different perspectives. This process would demand that I consider these thoughts with what limited information I had available in my memory, thus coming up with a few shining gems of contemplative insights arranged according to me and my unique perspective of the world. It has been different lately. With Google and Wiki it seems there is no time for contemplation because as soon as I finish reading whatever it was I was reading I have to scroll back to the highlighted links and read about them.

I get lost in Google land. The sudden addictive like behavior of link clicking. Breaking the dam of information once guarded as a commodity to be doled out under the $100.000.00 right to claim an ivy league pedigree, this causes me to consume Google hits like the time I gorged on bacon at the all you can eat breakfast buffet in Las Vegas. Knowing I would pay for this decadence with an unusually large amount of rest stop toilet visits on my drive back to Los Angeles, but still crunching, chomping away at a second plate full.

The drool normally goes unnoticed until it reaches halfway down my chin out of the left corner of my mouth, causing me to try and slurp it back in while simultaneously taking a swipe at it with my t shirt covered left shoulder. I was just drooling? Whoa.

Will this pass? What will I be when I have had my fill? Why am I drooling?

I play the bass. Sometimes when I lock into that pocket with a good drummer I start to drool. It normally involves an intelligent chess like presence that allows space for either of us, anticipating to the best of our abilities the next thing the other person is going to play and try to compliment that. When I get there I drool. I guess the concentration involved takes away my ability to have a bodily involuntary action in place that would cause me not to drool. It is probably the same phenomena.

I wonder if I should be more aware of my Wiki intake? If we all knew everything would there be anything left to talk about?

Evil Wiki. You hurt so good.

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