Monday, September 24, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Hawaiian in Berlin.

I was laying about in my apartment in Berlin one day.
It was an unusually warm winter Sunday afternoon.
My apartment was on the top floor of the Sony
center in Berlin. The Sony center was a extravagant
glass and steel futuristic architectural structure built
in what used the be the no mans land between East
and West Berlin.

In the lower courtyard we had a Cafe to represent
every ethnic food to be had. Italian, French,
Japanese even Australian. I never knew that
Australian was considered a world class cuisine but
the Germans that would come in droves to marvel
at the star trek like structure I lived in could not get
enough of those kangaroo and crocodile

That Sunday I did not feel like dealing with the
hordes of tourist during lunch so I called
in for Indian delivery. There was this great
delivery service that offered the best chicken
Masala I have ever had. I clicked on the TV.

Everything was so difficult in Germany. It took
me 3 weeks to get one phone line turned
on, I wanted 2 and a fax line. I even hired an
assistant to deal in the German dialect, but
still I ended up with 1 line an and a still not
understood explanation that it would take 2
more months till I had what I really wanted
due to adhering to proper German procedure.
When it came down to trying to order cable TV?
Forget about it. I settled for the free
English BBC channel and weekly visits to the
English DVD store.

There was a documentary on about China’s
dynastic history. I was thinking about
Michaela. She was a stunning East Berliner
that worked at the Starbucks that I hung out
at across the street. She spoke broken English
but she always made sure that she was the
one to help me when I got in line to order. Her
initial attempts to talk with me were
amusing. The open and friendly “Allo Kaiyo”.
The non existence of conceit and ego
starkly contrasted against my associations
with women of her beauty back in the states. I
was confused. I was intrigued.

We spent her smoke breaks talking about America
and her opinion on the changing face
of Berlin as a person with an East Berliner value
system. I told her my views on America
as a Hawaiian. We went to the Einstein café on her
days off and talked about socialism
vs. capitalism. She told me stories about what it
was like to be a East Berliner before the
wall came down. I told her what it was like to be
Hawaiian in postcolonial Hawaii.

The doorbell rang and I got up to let the delivery
guy in with my food. The guy was
Turkish and spoke no English, he didn’t even try.
I ordered so much from his restaurant
that we seemed friends even with out
communicating. His very Un-German like beaming
smile and extra pieces of Naan bread. My weak
attempts at German. My uncomprehended
comments on how duners ( gyros) were evil. My
excessive American style of tipping. It was always
a pleasant exchange.

The show on BBC was talking about the period of
Mongol conquest and their assimilation into Chinese
history as the Yuan Dynasty. They were pointing out the
vicousness of Kublai Khans steps to the empires
throne. Before he took power there was
120 million Chinese nationals when the dust cleared
60 million was accounted for in a
1300 AD government consensus. Plague was a major
factor but they concurred that the
Mongols also took their share.

They went on to comment on the cultural impact of
the Yuan Dynasty’s rule of China.
They accredited the huge jump in the development of
drama and the novel to this period
pointing to the sudden increase in the use of a written vernacular.

When I first began my friendship with Michaela I was thinking in a normal red blooded
American manner of sexual conquest. It is all I knew. Her pure desire to really just know
me, her grabbing me by the hand, walking me to the Christmas market stand and
ordering gruenkohl with sausages for me.

“ Dis iss real German food.” as I poked at the
steaming green mess of bowel evacuating
roughage. At some point I got past the college boy
warmth in my loins when we would
hang out. At some point she became off limits in that
manner, she became the beginning
of my desire to get past my callused American bachelor
for life way of treating women.

She became my friend.

The English accented narrator has moved on to the Ming
dynasties era but started to reference the cultural impact
of the Mongols foresight on needs to have a highway system
and distribution infrastructure, how these things allowed
for the economical expansion of
the Ming's dynasty's international trade and eventual
global political and economic presence.

Suddenly, I had an explosion of thoughts and Ideas.
“ Wouldn’t the Chinese that were conquered by the
Mongols say they were the victims of
Genocide and the war crimes of barbarians?”

“ Don’t the Chinese today proudly claim this legacy as
part of the culture that represents
China as a whole today?”

I was headed down a path in my head that excited
me with the possibilities of the
conclusion at the end of these thought processes.

“ So, according to individual perspective, some things
are right and something’s are
wrong, it all depends on what side you are on.”

“In our human cultures, after accusations of war crimes
and genocide, time solidifies the
conquerors point of views and ways of life within the
prevalent societies they have

I dipped my Naan bread into the Masala sauce.

“ The word society is just as legitimately applied to a
prehistoric hunter gather clan as it
is to the Roman empire. What causes humans to
gather? Resources, actually when it
comes right down to it food and the means to control
the manufacturing of it.
Fortifications to protect that food. Armies to protect
that fortification. Over time one
group has an abundance which allows for specialists
to pursue their quest for expertise in
a certain field such as spear head chiseling,
canoe carving, medicine, Black magic. All of
this due to the fact that they are not needed to
produce food because it has become
abundant. That society splinters into different professions.
Some professions are deemed
more important then others. Resources become allowed
to the more important endeavors
to expedite the race for a needed solution. Social classes
begin to form around the
professions. Factions within this society begin to disagree
on where the resources should
be applied. Politics, big business, black markets, police
forces, underground societies, all
of this off a gathering around food.”

“ None of this has anything to do with blood content,
but everything to do about resources.”

“ What about racism?” I thought about how I was a
Hawaiian blooded US citizen that
was considered a successful international businessman.
How I was currently on the A list
of Germanys entertainment industry roll call sitting in
a luxurious penthouse built by the
Japanese on the ground that was just blocks away from
the bunker Hitler killed himself in.

“ Wow, if that isn’t contradictory I don’t know what is.”
I thought to myself.

“ What about Kalani and his inability to control or even
understand why his hate consumed him so?”

I got sad remembering Kalani. How good of a guy he
was, how he would share
everything with his friends even though he did not
have much of anything.

“ When two people are fighting they use all their
resolve to win. Eventually one wins and
has his way. What happened in Hawaii was a century
long genocidal endeavor.
Kalanis thoughtless racism is a remnant of those that
lost, those that have not been
assimilated. Sad or not this is the truth.”

I grabbed a bottle of soda water and took a swig, It seemed
that my mind was on a path of
its own, that I was only along for the ride.

“There is no personal right or wrong to be found in the
acts of racism, genocide, social
hierarchies, sub cultures and definitions of governments.
They are phenomena of human
interaction that transcends the individual. They are
brought to fruition by the passing of
centuries and the hardiness of their original heralds
and heirs. The only space for
individual human expression is in our ability to express
what we know, think and feel is
important right now. Right here. In THIS moment.

I began to feel overwhelmed and tried to think about something

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hitlers Stash

It is the nature of things to come and go and come again. So many trends can be pointed to with roots in a cyclic history.

Blues, rnb, soul, neo soul.
Funk, Disco, Techno.
Patent leather shoes, Yo-yos, roller skates. On and on.

Is it because we have done everything already?

I find Hair styles and the personalities they come to represent the most interesting.

Clean shaven, buzz cuts, side comb, middle comb, bee hive, feathered, permed, liberty spikes and the infamous mullet. They come and go but never just go.

Wait. What about that mustache Hitler used to rock ? Hmmm, I think he fucked off that ones chance at revival. Who could bring it back?

Georgie boy. Why not? He already gave the world the finger and is still on TV everyday.

Or maybe I should do it? A heavily tattooed 230 pound brown guy rolling thru the streets of Oregon with a Hitler mustache? It would be too confusing, down right dangerous.

Or maybe the Craigs list Lit fo guys would be down. It would be a long project but if any group of guys had the fortitude and audacity to take perceived Nazi propaganda and turn it into the accepted uniform of the 21rst century literate, they could.

Lets change the world one Adolpho stash at a time.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Evil Wiki

I have been unconsciously drooling at my computer lately. It was not like this until
Wikipedia started coming up as a top hit in my Google search for everything.

I now know that there is Catholic records pointing to a spiritual phenomena titled “ Dark night of the soul.” I have also become familiar with the writings on the theory of an aquatic ape within our human evolution theory. Why? Because I follow the links .

My thought processes used to be my Google and Wiki. Before this instant availability of all information, I would catch a thought, contemplate it, then take it to my imagination to view it from different perspectives. This process would demand that I consider these thoughts with what limited information I had available in my memory, thus coming up with a few shining gems of contemplative insights arranged according to me and my unique perspective of the world. It has been different lately. With Google and Wiki it seems there is no time for contemplation because as soon as I finish reading whatever it was I was reading I have to scroll back to the highlighted links and read about them.

I get lost in Google land. The sudden addictive like behavior of link clicking. Breaking the dam of information once guarded as a commodity to be doled out under the $100.000.00 right to claim an ivy league pedigree, this causes me to consume Google hits like the time I gorged on bacon at the all you can eat breakfast buffet in Las Vegas. Knowing I would pay for this decadence with an unusually large amount of rest stop toilet visits on my drive back to Los Angeles, but still crunching, chomping away at a second plate full.

The drool normally goes unnoticed until it reaches halfway down my chin out of the left corner of my mouth, causing me to try and slurp it back in while simultaneously taking a swipe at it with my t shirt covered left shoulder. I was just drooling? Whoa.

Will this pass? What will I be when I have had my fill? Why am I drooling?

I play the bass. Sometimes when I lock into that pocket with a good drummer I start to drool. It normally involves an intelligent chess like presence that allows space for either of us, anticipating to the best of our abilities the next thing the other person is going to play and try to compliment that. When I get there I drool. I guess the concentration involved takes away my ability to have a bodily involuntary action in place that would cause me not to drool. It is probably the same phenomena.

I wonder if I should be more aware of my Wiki intake? If we all knew everything would there be anything left to talk about?

Evil Wiki. You hurt so good.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

IPod vs Zune vs the recorded music industry vs the Musician

There were a few new buzzwords flying around the ailing music industry a year ago. Virile video, Guerilla marketing. One was a whole sentence. Content is king.
I bet there is a white board on the campuses of Microsoft , Apple and Universal with the same marketing acronyms VV,GM and CIK scribbled in different dry erase colors. Well paid modern day marketing Einstein’s looking for that elusive E=Mc.

Content is a fickle creature according to the digital landscape and the present state of the recorded music business. Back catalog and libraries of the big 4 entertainment companies excluded, When it comes down to it, most of the people that are able to create the music, movies, photos and writings that cause the majority of the world to want to pause and partake in their insights, are people that spent there lives with a mostly introspective personality. People that would rather just create instead of sell.

Enter the recorded music industry.

If you told me when I was a kid that I would happily pay 2 dollars for the water I drank thirstily out of my mothers kitchen tap I would say that you were crazy. But sure enough, today I enjoy bottled water more then a soft drink.
I still demand that I get some bubbly California or French citrus tinged product thinking that I am at least getting an esophagus quaking belch for my 2 bucks, but still, I have accepted the concept.

The web like mesmerization of value in intangible products. Intellectual properties they call it, Trillions of dollars have changed hands since its conceptualization.
It is just a matter of time until they rebuild an infrastructure within the dastardly assassin of the physically distributed marketplace. Connecting the dots of radio to digital distribution, live touring and product endorsements. Up close and personal video content of your favorite artists exclusive to your internet portal with a handy dandy list of links to “people who bought this record liked these also.”
Or for the bookish types, a intimate, well pre release researched, personalized high resolution IBook. Just a matter of time. Think about all the trees we could save.

Still, content is king. Hardware, advertising revenues, endorsements all contingent on their ability to find themselves in a orbit around a prolific generator of content. Maybe if we got back to the source of the artist and empowered him in a way to define and create the new paradigm of how we consume our books, music, movies and art, maybe they would taste just a little more genuine because it came directly from the source.

Or maybe the government could begin to regulate the internet by issuing broadcasting and digital distributing permits that cost a million dollars thus putting the opportunity of the regular Joes ability to by pass the corporate culture with in the entertainment industry? Then we could go back to what we had.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

A big bowl of monkey brains

Have you ever heard the theory that at one point in our evolutionary process we came out of the trees and began to eat carrion for what ever reason?

That the sudden infusion of protien rich vittles, having no where to go due to our streamlined Darwinistic physical perfection, that our brains began to develop in mass? Could we really just be the equivelent of a global cleansing reaction frrom mother nature? Amonkey with a brain that has become a tumor?

Whoa, too much coffee today.

Monday, July 23, 2007

It Is Hot in My Head

It is hot, Humid and stifling in my head today.

The day that I realized that my conciousness is all I really know, this is all I can say is true, seemed to lock me in here. Peeping out every now and then at a more and more predictable modern Hollywood feature film.

A film intending to maximize their production dollars by including the two minute long, perfectly positioned love scene emphasized in their marketing trailers. A scene meant to entice that 18-35 year old female demographic into the action packed, globe trotting, fortune chasing, traditionally male genre of super powered character driven, global catastrophe saving, aggressive unwanted cerebral copulation of if you don’t have a 10 dollar combination of popcorn and soda combo you are really not enjoying this film mess.

Fuck. My frontal lobe seems to be throbbing in rebellion.

When I was a kid I went thru a one month stage of inhalant propelled self medication.
Krylon gold or silver was rumored to be the connoisseur choice of my juvenile delinquent, foster home bouncing colleagues.

I preferred liquid paper. You could huff it directly out of the stealthy, palm sized, half
fluid ounce container with a 2 inch snip off of one of those half coffee stirrer, half straw things that they keep next to the slurpee straws in 7-11.

It wasn’t till somebody told me that the high I seemed to so enjoy from this bell ringing, it don’t fucking matter no more endeavor was really just the direct result of the demise of my frontal lobe. I saw the result portrayed be Mr. Nicholson of having his scrambled by the powers that be in cuckoos nest. I decided to give it up.

When my brain gets too hot I write. When I write I liken the result to the pressure valve on my steam cooker. No, better yet to a psychological equivalent to a physical trepan procedure. Have you ever heard of trepanning? I saw a disturbing video once about a woman that believed in this procedure as a way to expand consciousness. It is when you drill a hole into your forehead to relieve brain swelling. The ancient Hawaiians used to practice it as treatment for head contusions.

Well, it is cool enough to get back to my emails now.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A toilet for my steaming cerebral fecal deposits.

It is 5:10 am Sunday July 22nd 2007. I have been feeling deliciously manic lately.
Just the right amount to where I dont beat myself down that manic depressive ladder because even I know I have become a
freak of t shirt rolling, color code storing, bottom drawer reorganizing insomniac mess. This moment is why I refuse to look
into brain pills, why I chose to not self medicate. In this moment the world is my oyster.
So now I am one of those people that can say check out my blog.

I think it is good. Hello internet, glad to meet cha.